Peru El Palto | Natural

$ 22.00

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Country of Origin:  Peru
Region: Amazonas
Producer Type: Cooperative
Farm Name:  Various producers
Co-Op:  Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco El Palto (JUMARP)
Processing:  Natural/Dry Processed
Processing Description:  Sun-dried on raised beds and solar dryers
Growing Altitude:  1600m - 1800m
Harvest Season:  2022/23
Plant Species:  Arabica
Variety:  Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Pache, Typica
Certifications:  Organic Certified NOP

This Organic-certified lot comes from the Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco El Palto (JUMARP), also known as "El Palto." The cooperative is located in the Amazonian Andes in northern Peru. Founded in 2003 by 35 small farmers, the association now consists of 189 active members with a total area of 549 hectares in production. Women represent 40 of the organization's families, including continual representation on their Board of Directors. The Association's mission is to meet the demand of our buyers in specialty coffee allowing an increase in income for the farmer member and their family. This lot is comprised of Typica, Pache, Caturra, and Bourbon varieties, and was grown at a range of 1600-1800 masl.
Bean Size